Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas König
“Business ist about money,
Politics is about power,
Science is about truth.”
- Prof. Dr. Thomas König-

Neues Buch:
The Dynamics of European Integration - Causes and Consequences of Institutional Choices/ Subjects: Political Science, International Relations, European Studies, U.K. Politics / Imprint: University of Michigan Press https://press.umich.edu/Books/T/The-Dynamics-of-European-Integration
Aktuelle Projekte und Veröffentlichungen unter diesem Link:
Europäische Sommerschule
Weiterhin ist er Gründungsdirektor der europäischen Sommerschule für Nachwuchswissenschaftler „Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models“ und war von 2010 bis 2023 Sprecher des Sonderforschungsbereichs der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft „Politische Ökonomie von Reformen“
König, Thomas, Nick Lin, Xiao Lu, and Thiago Silva. 2023. Government Dominance and the Role of Opposition in Parliamentary Democracies. European Journal of Political Research 62 (2), 594-611.
König, Thomas and Nick Lin. 2021. Portfolio Allocation Patterns and Policymaking Effectiveness in Minority Coalition Governments. European Journal of Political Research 60 (3),694-715
König Thomas and Xiao Lu. 2020. Should I Stay or Should I Go? British Voter You Got to Let Me Know! Prime Ministers, Intra-Party Conflict, and Membership Referendums in the British Westminster Model. Journal of Theoretical Politics 32 (4), 557-581.
HAHM, HYEONHO, DAVID HILPERT and THOMAS KÖNIG. 2023. “Divided we unite: The nature of partyism and the role of coalition partnership in Europe.” American Political Science Review pp. 1–19, forthcoming.
HAHM, HYEONO, DAVID HILPERT and THOMAS KÖNIG. 2022. "Divided by Europe: affective polarisation in the context of European elections.“ West European Politics 46(4), 705-731.
KÖNIG, THOMAS, NICK LIN, XIAO LU, THIAGO N. SILVA, NIKOLETA YORDANOVA, and GALINA ZUDENKOVA. 2022. Agenda Control and Timing of Bill Initiation: A Temporal Perspective on Coalition Governance in Parliamentary Democracies. American Political Science Review, 116(1), 231-248.
KÖNIG, THOMAS, and GUIDO ROPERS. 2022. "How gendered is the peer-review process? A mixed-design analysis of reviewer feedback“. Political Science & Politics, 55(1), 135-141.
KÖNIG, THOMAS, NICK LIN, XIAO LU, and THIAGO N. SILVA. 2022. „Government Dominance and the Role of Opposition in Parliamentary Democracies“. European Journal of Political Research, forthcoming.
Europäische Integration
König, T., Lin, N. (2020). Portfolio Allocation Patterns and Policymaking Effectiveness in Minority Coalition Governments. European Journal of Political Research (Forthcoming).
König T., Lu, X. (2020). Should I Stay or Should I Go? British Voter You Got to Let Me Know! Prime Ministers, Intra-Party Conflict, and Membership Referendums in the British Westminster Model. Journal of Theoretical Politics (Forthcoming).
König, Thomas. 2018. "Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism? Partisan Ideology, Two-level Bargains and Technocratic Governance in the post-Maastricht Era". Journal of Common Market Studies 56 (6): 1240-1262.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2017. "The Impact of EU Decision-Making on National Parties' Attitudes towards European Integration." European Union Politics 18 (3): 362-381
Frech, Elena, Thomas König und Moritz Osnabrügge. 2015. "Öffentliche Unterstützung von Reformen und ihre Stabilität in Zeiten der Eurokrise - eine experimentelle Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Gegenargumenten". Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 25 (2): 219-245.
Junge, Dirk, Thomas König und Bernd Luig. 2015. "Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union", British Journal of Political Science 45 (4): 777-797.
König, Thomas und Sebastian Köhler. 2015. "Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in the Euro Countries?". Political Science Research and Methods 3 (2): 329-351.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2014. "The Strategic Nature of Compliance. An Empirical Evaluation of Law Implementation in the Central Monitoring System of the European Union". American Journal of Political Science 58 (1): 246-263.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2014. "Ministerial Gatekeeping and Parliamentary Involvement in the Implementation Process of EU Directives". Public Choice, 160 (3-4): 501-519.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2013. "Non-Conformable, Partial and Conformable Transposition: A Competing Risk Analysis of the Transposition Process of Directives in the EU15". European Union Politics 14 (1): 46-69.
Angelova, Mariyana, Tanja Dannwolf und Thomas König. 2012. "How Robust are Compliance Findings? A Research Synthesis." Journal of European Public Policy 19 (8): 1269-1291.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2012. "Party Ideology and Legislative Agendas: Estimating Contextual Policy Positions for the Study of EU Decision-Making". European Union Politics 13 (4): 604-625.
König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2009. "Why Risk Popular Ratification Failure? A Comparative Analysis of the Choice of the Ratification Instrument in the 25 Member States of the EU". Constitutional Political Economy 20 (3): 341-365.
König, Thomas und Dirk Junge. 2009. "Why Don't Veto Players Use Their Power?". European Union Politics 10 (4): 507-534.
König, Thomas und Brooke Luetgert. 2009. "Troubles with Transposition? Explaining Trends in Member-State Notification and the Delayed Transposition of EU Directives". British Journal of Political Science 39 (1): 163-194.
König, Thomas. 2008. "Analysing the Process of EU Legislative Decision-Making: To Make a Long Story Short". European Union Politics 9 (1): 145-165.
König, Thomas. 2008. "Why do Member States Empower the European Parliament?". Journal of European Public Policy 15 (2): 167-188.
König, Thomas, Stephanie Daimer und Daniel Finke. 2008. "The Treaty Reform of the EU: Constitutional Agenda-Setting, Intergovernmental Bargains and the Presidency's Crisis Management of Ratification Failure". Journal of Common Market Studies 46 (2): 337-363.
Hug, Simon und Thomas König. 2007. "Domestic Structures and Constitution-Building in an International Organization: Introduction".The Review of International Organizations 2 (2): 105-113.
Jensen, Christian B., Jonathan Slapin und Thomas König, 2007. "Who Calls for a Common EU Foreign Policy?: Partisan Constraints on CFSP Reform". European Union Politics 8 (3): 387-410.
Junge, Dirk und Thomas König. 2007. "What's Wrong With EU Spatial Analysis?: The Accuracy and Robustness of Empirical Applications To the Interpretation of the Legislative Process and the Specification of Preferences". Journal of Theoretical Politics 19 (4): 465-487.
König, Thomas. 2007. "Discontinuity: Another Source of the EU's Democratic Deficit?". European Union Politics 8 (3): 411-432.
König, Thomas. 2007. "Divergence or Convergence? From Ever-Growing to Ever-Slowing European Legislative Decision Making". European Journal of Political Research 46 (3): 417-444.
König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2007. "Reforming the Equilibrium? Veto Players and Policy Change in the European Constitution-Building Process". The Review of International Organizations 2 (2): 153-176.
König, Thomas, Bjorn Lindberg, Sandra Lechner und Winfried Pohlmeier. 2007. "Bicameral Conflict Resolution in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis of Conciliation Committee Bargains". British Journal of Political Science 37 (2): 281-312.
König, Thomas, Brooke Luetgert und Tanja Dannwolf. 2006. "Quantifying European Legislative Research: Using CELEX and PreLex in EU Legislative Studies." European Union Politics 7 (4): 553-574.
König, Thomas und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2006. "Exchanging and Voting in the Council: Endogenizing the Spatial Model of Legislative Politics". Journal of European Public Policy 13 (5): 647-669.
König, Thomas und Jonathan Slapin. 2006. "From Unanimity to Consensus: An Analysis of the Negotiations at the EU's Constitutional Convention". World Politics 58 (3): 413-445.
König, Thomas. 2005. "Die Europäische Republik - so nah und wohl doch so fern?". Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 12 (2): 361-367
König, Thomas. 2005. "Measuring and Analysing Positions on European Constitution-building". European Union Politics 6 (3): 259-267.
König, T., Lin, N. (2020). Portfolio Allocation Patterns and Policymaking Effectiveness in Minority Coalition Governments. European Journal of Political Research (Forthcoming) ist unter doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12416.
König, Thomas. 2018. "Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism? Partisan Ideology, Two-level Bargains and Technocratic Governance in the post-Maastricht Era". Journal of Common Market Studies 56 (6): 1240-1262.
König, Thomas, Moritz Marbach und Moritz Osnabrügge, 2017. "Left/Right or U? Estimating the Dimensionality of National Party Competition in Europe". The Journal of Politics 79 (3): 1101-1105.
Flentje, Jan-Erik, Thomas König und Moritz Marbach. 2017."Assessing the validity of the Manifesto Common Space Scores". Electoral Studies 47:25-35
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2017. "The Impact of EU Decision-Making on National Parties' Attitudes towards European Integration." European Union Politics 18 (3): 362-381
Angelova, Mariyana, Thomas König und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2016. "Responsibility attribution in coalition governments: Evidence from Germany". Electoral Studies 43: 133-149.
König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2015. "Legislative Governance in Times of International Terrorism". Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (2): 262-282.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2014. "Ministerial Gatekeeping and Parliamentary Involvement in the Implementation Process of EU Directives". Public Choice, 160 (3-4): 501-519.
Fortunato, David, Thomas König und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2013. "Government Agenda-Setting and Bicameral Conflict Resolution". Political Research Quarterly 66 (4): 938-951.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2012. "Party Ideology and Legislative Agendas: Estimating Contextual Policy Positions for the Study of EU Decision-Making". European Union Politics 13 (4): 604-625.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2009. "German ‘LexIconSpace’: Policy Positions and their Legislative Context". German Politics 18 (3): 345-364, DOI: 10.1080/09644000903055807.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2009. "Antwort auf die Replik von Daniel Göler zum Beitrag “Das Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates und der Mythos einer 80-Prozent-Europäisierung in Deutschland”. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 50 (1): 80-85.
Hug, Simon und Thomas König. 2007. "Domestic Structures and Constitution-Building in an International Organization: Introduction".The Review of International Organizations 2 (2): 105-113.
König, Thomas. 2007. "Divergence or Convergence? From Ever-Growing to Ever-Slowing European Legislative Decision Making". European Journal of Political Research 46 (3): 417-444.
König, Thomas, Bjorn Lindberg, Sandra Lechner und Winfried Pohlmeier. 2007. "Bicameral Conflict Resolution in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis of Conciliation Committee Bargains". British Journal of Political Science 37 (2): 281-312.
König, Thomas. 2018. "Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism? Partisan Ideology, Two-level Bargains and Technocratic Governance in the post-Maastricht Era". Journal of Common Market Studies 56 (6): 1240-1262.
Frech, Elena, Thomas König und Moritz Osnabrügge. 2015. "Öffentliche Unterstützung von Reformen und ihre Stabilität in Zeiten der Eurokrise - eine experimentelle Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Gegenargumenten". Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 25 (2): 219-245.
König, Thomas, 2015. "Kanzler, Minister und Sachverständige. Eine Untersuchung der Bedeutung von Vertrauen für die Delegation von Reformen am Beispiel der Hartz-Reformen". Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56 (2): 182-210.
König, Thomas und Sebastian Köhler. 2015. "Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in the Euro Countries?". Political Science Research and Methods 3 (2): 329-351.
König, Thomas, Stephanie Daimer und Daniel Finke. 2008. "The Treaty Reform of the EU: Constitutional Agenda-Setting, Intergovernmental Bargains and the Presidency's Crisis Management of Ratification Failure". Journal of Common Market Studies 46 (2): 337-363.
König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2007. "Reforming the Equilibrium? Veto Players and Policy Change in the European Constitution-Building Process". The Review of International Organizations 2 (2): 153-176.
König, Thomas und Jonathan Slapin. 2006. "From Unanimity to Consensus: An Analysis of the Negotiations at the EU's Constitutional Convention". World Politics 58 (3): 413-445.
Angelova, Mariyana, Thomas König und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2016. "Responsibility attribution in coalition governments: Evidence from Germany". Electoral Studies 43: 133-149.
König, Thomas, 2015. "Kanzler, Minister und Sachverständige. Eine Untersuchung der Bedeutung von Vertrauen für die Delegation von Reformen am Beispiel der Hartz-Reformen". Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56 (2): 182-210.
Junge, Dirk, Thomas König und Bernd Luig. 2015. "Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union", British Journal of Political Science 45 (4): 777-797.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2014. "Ministerial Gatekeeping and Parliamentary Involvement in the Implementation Process of EU Directives". Public Choice, 160 (3-4): 501-519.
Fortunato, David, Thomas König und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2013. "Government Agenda-Setting and Bicameral Conflict Resolution". Political Research Quarterly 66 (4): 938-951.
König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2009. "Why Risk Popular Ratification Failure? A Comparative Analysis of the Choice of the Ratification Instrument in the 25 Member States of the EU". Constitutional Political Economy 20 (3): 341-365.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2009. "Antwort auf die Replik von Daniel Göler zum Beitrag “Das Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates und der Mythos einer 80-Prozent-Europäisierung in Deutschland”. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 50 (1): 80-85.
König, Thomas. 2008. "Why do Member States Empower the European Parliament?". Journal of European Public Policy 15 (2): 167-188.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2008. "Das Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates und der Mythos einer 80-Prozent-Europäisierung in Deutschland". Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49 (3): 438-463.
Junge, Dirk, Thomas König und Bernd Luig. 2015. "Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union", British Journal of Political Science 45 (4): 777-797.
König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2015. "Legislative Governance in Times of International Terrorism". Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (2): 262-282.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2014. "The Strategic Nature of Compliance. An Empirical Evaluation of Law Implementation in the Central Monitoring System of the European Union". American Journal of Political Science 58 (1): 246-263.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2014. "Ministerial Gatekeeping and Parliamentary Involvement in the Implementation Process of EU Directives". Public Choice, 160 (3-4): 501-519.
Fortunato, David, Thomas König und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2013. "Government Agenda-Setting and Bicameral Conflict Resolution". Political Research Quarterly 66 (4): 938-951.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2013. "Non-Conformable, Partial and Conformable Transposition: A Competing Risk Analysis of the Transposition Process of Directives in the EU15". European Union Politics 14 (1): 46-69.
König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2009. "German ‘LexIconSpace’: Policy Positions and their Legislative Context". German Politics 18 (3): 345-364, DOI: 10.1080/09644000903055807.
König, Thomas und Brooke Luetgert. 2009. "Troubles with Transposition? Explaining Trends in Member-State Notification and the Delayed Transposition of EU Directives". British Journal of Political Science 39 (1): 163-194.
König, Thomas. 2008. "Analysing the Process of EU Legislative Decision-Making: To Make a Long Story Short". European Union Politics 9 (1): 145-165.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2008. "Das Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates und der Mythos einer 80-Prozent-Europäisierung in Deutschland". Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49 (3): 438-463.
Jensen, Christian B., Jonathan Slapin und Thomas König, 2007. "Who Calls for a Common EU Foreign Policy?: Partisan Constraints on CFSP Reform". European Union Politics 8 (3): 387-410.
König, Thomas. 2007. "Discontinuity: Another Source of the EU's Democratic Deficit?". European Union Politics 8 (3): 411-432.
König, Thomas. 2007. "Divergence or Convergence? From Ever-Growing to Ever-Slowing European Legislative Decision Making". European Journal of Political Research 46 (3): 417-444.
König, Thomas, Bjorn Lindberg, Sandra Lechner und Winfried Pohlmeier. 2007. "Bicameral Conflict Resolution in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis of Conciliation Committee Bargains". British Journal of Political Science 37 (2): 281-312.
König, Thomas und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2006. "Exchanging and Voting in the Council: Endogenizing the Spatial Model of Legislative Politics". Journal of European Public Policy 13 (5): 647-669.
Flentje, Jan-Erik, Thomas König und Moritz Marbach. 2017."Assessing the validity of the Manifesto Common Space Scores". Electoral Studies 47:25-35
Frech, Elena, Thomas König und Moritz Osnabrügge. 2015. "Offentliche Unterstützung von Reformen und ihre Stabilität in Zeiten der Eurokrise - eine experimentelle Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Gegenargumenten". Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 25 (2): 219-245.
König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2009. "Why Risk Popular Ratification Failure? A Comparative Analysis of the Choice of the Ratification Instrument in the 25 Member States of the EU". Constitutional Political Economy 20 (3): 341-365.
Hug, Simon und Thomas König. 2007. "Domestic Structures and Constitution-Building in an International Organization: Introduction".The Review of International Organizations 2 (2): 105-113.
König, Thomas, Moritz Marbach und Moritz Osnabrügge, 2017. "Left/Right or U? Estimating the Dimensionality of National Party Competition in Europe". The Journal of Politics 79 (3): 1101-1105.
Flentje, Jan-Erik, Thomas König und Moritz Marbach. 2017."Assessing the validity of the Manifesto Common Space Scores". Electoral Studies 47:25-35
König, Thomas und Sebastian Köhler. 2015. "Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in the Euro Countries?". Political Science Research and Methods 3 (2): 329-351.
Thomas König, Moritz Marbach und Moritz Osnabrügge. 2013. "Estimating Party Positions across Countries and Time—A Dynamic Latent Variable Model for Manifesto Data". Political Analysis 21(4): 468-491.
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2013. "Non-Conformable, Partial and Conformable Transposition: A Competing Risk Analysis of the Transposition Process of Directives in the EU15". European Union Politics 14 (1): 46-69.
Angelova, Mariyana, Tanja Dannwolf und Thomas König. 2012. "How Robust are Compliance Findings? A Research Synthesis." Journal of European Public Policy 19 (8): 1269-1291.
Junge, Dirk und Thomas König. 2007. "What's Wrong With EU Spatial Analysis?: The Accuracy and Robustness of Empirical Applications To the Interpretation of the Legislative Process and the Specification of Preferences". Journal of Theoretical Politics 19 (4): 465-487.
König, Thomas, Brooke Luetgert und Tanja Dannwolf. 2006. "Quantifying European Legislative Research: Using CELEX and PreLex in EU Legislative Studies." European Union Politics 7 (4): 553-574.
König, Thomas. 2005. "Measuring and Analysing Positions on European Constitution-building". European Union Politics 6 (3): 259-267.
König T., Lu, X. (2020). Should I Stay or Should I Go? British Voter You Got to Let Me Know! Prime Ministers, Intra-Party Conflict, and Membership Referendums in the British Westminster Model. Journal of Theoretical Politics (Forthcoming) ist unter https://doi.org/10.1177/0951629820956273
König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2014. "The Strategic Nature of Compliance. An Empirical Evaluation of Law Implementation in the Central Monitoring System of the European Union". American Journal of Political Science 58 (1): 246-263.
Junge, Dirk, Thomas König und Bernd Luig. 2015. "Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union", British Journal of Political Science 45 (4): 777-797.
König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2009. "Why Risk Popular Ratification Failure? A Comparative Analysis of the Choice of the Ratification Instrument in the 25 Member States of the EU". Constitutional Political Economy 20 (3): 341-365.
König, Thomas und Dirk Junge. 2009. "Why Don't Veto Players Use Their Power?". European Union Politics 10 (4): 507-534.
König, Thomas und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2006. "Exchanging and Voting in the Council: Endogenizing the Spatial Model of Legislative Politics". Journal of European Public Policy 13 (5): 647-669.